Aegon presents: the future of your career - disruption vs. acceleration

Geplaatst op 15-03-2017  -  Categorie: Algemeen  -  Auteur: Simon van Baal

Skadi Rotterdam heeft een nieuwe recruitment partner: Aegon! Meld u vooral aan op indien u geïnteresseerd bent.


You’re part of the future. You will shape it as you choose your own career path. But will you be a disruptor or an accelerator? Get to know the difference in the upcoming Aegon career event. 

On the 23rd of March Host Victor Mids (Mindf*ck) will guide the day where inspiring speakers as Ebel Slijp and Aegon Netherlands CEO Maarten Edixhoven share their insights. Get some hands-on experience participating in energizing workshops. Learn what aligns with your own goals and dreams and get to know the pitfalls and shortcuts from the experts at Aegon. We’ll wrap up with some beers, bites and good music. And who knows, you might get to grab one of the much sought after traineeships at this leading provider of life insurance, pensions and asset management!

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